Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 2012

Dearest Michael,

I could not find a Father's Day card that expressed how I really feel.

My heart swells with love and pride when I think about the wonderful and loving man that you have become. I remember the day you were born. I looked at you through the glass of the nursery and tears came to my eyes - tears of joy.

I remember when I took my Mother by the hand and pointed you out to her. My exact words were, "Mom, meet your great grandson." There are no words to describe the feelings I had when you were born.

I have watched you grow and now I am blessed to be able to watch you become an incredible Father. I am blessed to now have a great grandson.

Michael, you are loved and your Grandfather would have been so very proud of you, as I am.

Family is so important. Family is the greatest blessing one could have bestowed upon them. You will live on through Connor and his children for generations to come. I know that one day many years from now Connor will be telling his son and his grandson about what an awesome Dad you were and he will share many stories about you and your love for family.

So, on this Father's Day, I honor you and love you.


Your Grandmother and Connor's Great Grandmother

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