Born December 9, 1939 at 6:55 a.m. at the Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Doctor was J. Howard Burns. Weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and was 20" long. Her mom, Ursula William Sandridge, wrote the following comment: "Judy smiled when she was one day old. She has one dimple in the left cheek. A beautiful child!"
Was named Judith Lee Schumaker.
Mother is Ursula W. Sandridge. Grandmother is James William Ramsey and Grandfather is William Robert Sandridge.
Father is Lewis Paul Schumaker. Grandmother is Sara Bell Raikes and Grandfather is Charles W. Schumaker.
Judy's eyes were blue, hair was brown, brows and lashes were light and complexion was fair.
At nine months, she weighed 26 lbs and was 31" tall.
"Judy began crawling at the age of 9 months. She really does fly. Just gets around the house in a very few minutes. I'll be so glad when she walks, for she is so sweet".
"She took her first steps on November 17, 1940. She was so very proud of herself. Bless her little heart".
November 22, 1940: "Judy Lee walked by herself most all evening. She just staggers and wobbles. But bless her heart, she just keeps right on trying until she is exhausted."
Other notes from Judy's baby book: Made her first trip from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. at two months. When she was nine months old, she had her first train ride from Charlottesville, VA to Houston, Texas. She first grasped a small rattler and a chain of blue beads. She chews on it and plays all day. Judy follows me with her eyes where ever I go. Judy now calls me Mummie. She tries so hard to talk. Judy couldn't get over people wearing glasses. She likes all the men. The colors of the funny papers certainly amuse her. On September 6, 1940 her Mom wrote that Judy now had six teeth and loves to eat. On October 28, 1940, she wrote that Judy now has eight teeth and is getting to be quite a lady. On May 20, 1940 Judy put my finger in her mouth and bit it. She is very proud of it. Judy had a grand birthday. I hope and pray she may have as many more as happy as her first."
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