Today is July 19th, 2010. On this day 52 years ago Warren and I eloped and married. What a day! We had no reason to elope - Warren was 21 and I was 18 and my Mom really liked Warren. She once told me that he looked like someone had just given him a good scrubbing - Warren was an impeccable dresser. When we were dating, he wore starched jeans and white shirts and his shoes had that Marine Corp shine. He had spent three years in the Corp. I had told my Mom we were going to the Balanese Room in Galveston and we went to Richmond to a JP. We stayed at the King's Motel on Old Spanish Trail that night. We went home the next day and got our things. We rented a $40 a month garage apartment from a friend of Warren's. Warren has been gone 11 years this past March, but I still celebrate my marriage. Had he lived, we would be celebrating together. He was a wonderful father and husband. EVERY year he would give me a card and I still have every one he has ever given me. So, on this day I say Happy Anniversary to me and to my Warren who now is with the Lord.
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