Father's Day is approaching. Yellow roses of Texas grow in heaven, Lord pick a bunch for me. Place them in my father's arms and tell him they are from me. Tell him that I love and miss him. When he turns to smile place a kiss upon his cheek and hold him for a long time, because remembering him is easy, I do it every day. There's an ache in my heart that will never go away.
Love, Donny
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father's Day
Sunday, June 20, 2010 - Father's Day. I still miss buying Warren Father's Day cards. He was a great Dad. He did not spend a lot of time playing ball, etc. with the boys. He was always working so they could have a good life. Warren made sure his family had a good life. He was kind, honest, caring, hard-working and his family was his passion. The last year he was with us on Father's Day was in 1998. I cannot believe the years have passed so quickly. I know he is looking down from Heaven and he is beaming with pride as he watches his family. His grandchildren, Maegan Jo, Michael Warren and Madeline Kay are making him proud. AND his "boys" - I cannot begin to tell you how proud he is right now. So, my message to Warren today is, "Sweetheart, you are missed so much and we thank you for the values you taught us and for the love you gave us." When I mention Warren to Madeline, she looks to see if I am crying and she always tells me, "It's ok Nana, he can see us."
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